Dock Work
"These things happen!"
The war was almost over, and dad was trying to get back to the mainland.
Work was getting scarce, but sometimes he had a little "help" from his friends.
As told to me (WGI) by my father (WOI) on 13 January 1996.
I have done some editing and rearranging, to improve the readability
and keep things in sequence. - WGI
WOI: After a little while things had slowed down, and we were
just *looking* for work. The war was winding down, and
everything. Most of the civilians were heading back.
I'd asked for permission to return to the States and been
refused a couple of times.
I got to know a Chief Bo's'un's Mate...
WGI: Not Boats?!
WOI: No, but they were the workhorses of the Navy. They were
the people cause things to happen.
I had a crew that were working in Meri (sp?) Point docks
and there was nothing to *do* at Meri Point docks! I'd
send them out and they'd come back saying that there was
nothing to do.
This Chief was a in charge of a bunch of oil barges. "Oh,"
he says, "you don't have any work to do?"
"No, no," I said.
He said, "How be I tear out about a 100 yards of fender
<chuckle> I said, "OK, whatever you want to do."
So he slammed a couple of barges against the docks and
tore out a bunch of fender piles and backing logs. He
said, "Hey, that ought to keep you working for a week or
two!" Oh, jeez!
Both: <laughter>
WGI: These things happen!
WOI: Yeah, these things happen.
Copyright © 1996 by William G. Innanen. All rights reserved.
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